Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why Exercise in Morning?------//------Choosing a Running Route

By. Riyaz Ahmad Wani

It is true that one can exercise at any time of day as long as you're burning those extra calories. However, there are many added benefits to choosing morning time to any other. Even if you manage to fit in just 15 minutes of strenuous exercise, it will help you stay happy and healthy all day. Here are some reasons why exercising first thing after waking up is beneficial.
Benefits of Morning Exercise
• When you exercise in the morning, you'll find that because of the increased intake of oxygen and circulation of blood in your body, you'll stay energized for the whole day. It will automatically put you in a healthy frame of mind. Whatever other things you may have on your schedule, you will notice that you will be eager and energetic to handle them.
• Morning exercise is a great way of waking up your brain, thus helping you to be alert to plan out your daily, weekly, even monthly schedule. It will help you organize your thoughts and make mental lists of what the day holds for you.
• Exercising in the morning can help reduce stress that has built up due to work, family and other life situations. One of the reasons this is true is because morning time is the quietest and most peaceful time of day - before the daily routine begins. It gives you alone time, time to think and work things out for yourself, without being disturbed.
• Increase in morning activity levels (exercise) helps increase metabolic rate. This means that you end up burning calories throughout the day, no matter how often you may choose to eat. However, you still need to take care about what you put into your body. Exercising goes hand in hand with sensible eating.
• Research has proven that people who exercise in the mornings tend to be the ones most consistent in their fitness regimes and diets. So if you choose morning time for your exercise program, then chances are that you'll stick to the plan for the long term. And that's a good thing!
• Waking up at about the same time everyday and exercising daily at the same time conditions your endocrine system and circadian rhythm to "know" when to wake up and prepare your body for the rest of the day. The human body is a learning machine. You can train it to be on schedule with your exercise program.
• By exercising in the morning, you make sure that you won't miss it out for the day. A lot of times other things can crowd out exercise - work, meetings, social events etc. Thus, exercise tends to get pushed to be the last priority at times.
• Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Most people eat a light breakfast before they exercise in the mornings. This is a double bonus. For one thing you actually get to eat breakfast which will keep you going the whole day. Secondly, you exercise and thus, energize yourself.
So there you have it. If you're not a morning exerciser, try switching over for a couple of weeks. In that time you will be able to tell whether mornings work for you or not. Keep those calories burning!

Choosing a Running Route

By Mushtaq Ahmad (Top Runner)

Fitness can be really uncomplicated, not all ways to being fit are via a payment plans and celebrity endorsements. So when people choose to go running or walking it's probably a wise choice because you're not procrastinating on what needs to be done; namely getting fit! This is the one exercise one can do all year around. The one thing to consider before getting on this wagon to fitness is "Routing"! It's not just one of the things to consider but is in fact the biggest facet of running some would think.
Running Route:
• There are various roads to consider while choosing a route to run on. But keeping in mind one's fitness goals and weather, its not tough to chart out a map for oneself.
• The scenic route is a common way to make the choice. In fact it can work as a motivation to go running. If you enjoy where you go running then the workout can be fun and you'll want to do it again. Some studies suggest that being outdoors, especially in more "natural" environment has a positive effect on your wellbeing. Running through parks, or along water bodies like canals and lakes can be very invigorating.
• Terrain is an important factor when running. Depending on your fitness goals one can choose a different terrain for a different purpose. For instance flat levels for a brisk but steady pace; gentle hills for a challenge; and steep slopes, which are more demanding on the way up and require better balance on the way down.
• Earth surface is another factor to watch out for as most injuries can occur on poor surface roads. The best surfaces for both walking and running would have to be uniformed, cushioned surfaces such as grass or loose granular tracks. Uneven or clammy surfaces just end up taking more work and concentration and just time consuming.
• It's good to go down familiar routes as this gives you the option to rest in places that feel comfortable incase you've over stretched yourself.
• If you happen to be running in the city area, then routing yourself via a cafĂ© or a general store might not be a bad idea for that much needed hydrating break!
• Last but not the least thing while on your run is to consider your security. It's best to avoid deserted areas as well as very crowded areas; because as a runner you neither want to be a victim of some bored criminal's idea of harassment or come in the way of a speeding motorist.
With the company of a friend or an iPod this is indeed a great way to work out your extra fat and stress all at once!

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